Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturday competition class

129.0 That's more like it.

My upper back feels somewhat better today- thank Gods. I hope it actually *is* getting better, and this isn't just because of the aspirin I took before bed to try to pre-empt the waking-up-in-agony thing. That was getting pretty old.

Morning "competition training" at GB Seattle. Professor Cristiano was there. He is Julie's coach. When I saw him, my first thought was not "Cool, another black belt on the mat today," it was "Rats, I hope he's not going to be watching me and mentally cataloging my weak spots." Back when I read on Georgette's blog about her taking her Youtubes down before a tournament, I thought she was being a little silly and paranoid. Now I'm being silly and paranoid. Funny how competing changes things in your training mindset.

After warmups, positional training from closed guard (pass vs sweep only) with Sabrina. I went light on her, let her have some stuff, gave advice and positive feedback. She's getting better- still doing a lot of dumb beginner stuff, but she works hard, doesn't seem intimidated by working with the big guys, and seems to like it. If she sticks with it, she could be good.

Matches with Dave, Hudge, Sabrina, John. Didn't do too bad, didn't do remarkably well (except for Hudge... I seemed to be on top the whole time, and I actually tapped him with a keylock. He seemed to be a little sludgy today, though, not up to his usual par).

Open mat. I asked Ron to roll. We did one no-gi and three or four gi. He trounced me as usual. I spent a lot of time under him, and in back mount. I did seem to be staving off the subs a bit longer than before. Today was apparently gi-wrap day in Ron's world. He kept trying to wrap me up like a big present. I teased him that I remembered his first day in the school. He had tried to make me tap by squeezing my ribs to breaking in his closed guard, with his muscley weight-lifter thighs. I said wryly, "You've improved a little since then."

I didn't really think I was going to suddenly start kicking everyone all over the mat today because of my incredible training day yesterday. I was just happy to not get a beat-down. The universe likes to do that type of thing to you right after a big success- to keep you humble! I didn't even try triangles on anyone today. But I still feel different now. It's like being in one of those first-person-shooter video games, where you can earn/buy/find different types of weapons to use, and some are cooler or more effective than others. I feel like I've gotten a level-up, and am now constantly aware that I have that triangle in my toolkit. Even if I can't use it on everybody, at will, yet.... just the fact that I own it, and I never did before, makes me feel like a different martial artist than I was on Thursday.

By the time I got home, I was so very exhausted. In no mood for Conditioning Boot Camp. I waffled about bailing- but I haven't seen CN in weeks, and besides, that tournament is looming threateningly now. Then CN texted and cancelled class. I'm a terrible person, but I was relieved. So many things I SHOULD be doing with the free evening... but I am going to bed.

It's amazing.... I have FORTY-NINE separate bruises on my left leg alone, from ankle to groin. I counted them in the shower. Most are those little round knuckle bruises.

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