Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Triangle City

The best commander attacks when the least skilled is still busy making plans. –Sun Tzu

Tuesday FOD: Silken Needle. (2, 2, 1)

Wednesday lunchtime BJJ at GB Sea.

Walked in and there was Vince in a brand new white belt. I said, "What the hell are you wearing? I saw your promotion picture on the web." "I forgot my belt." "ALREADY???!!" I teased him mercilessly for the whole class. He'll never forget it again!

You are in opponent's butterfly guard. Lie on hir stomach and have both elbows on mat tight to hir sides. Kick one leg back (make sure to turn the hips to the side as you do it) and bring the knee back alongside the other knee so that you are pinning one of the opponent's knees in. reach around the thigh and grab the foot. With the other hand, grab the lapel and MAKE SURE YOUR ELBOW IS ON THE MAT. Sprawl. Tiptoe around to the side. Transfer lapel grip to hug the neck. Transfer foot grip to far pantleg. Front mount. Then the bottom person upa's you off. Rinse, repeat. Note that when you are the bottom person, as soon as you know you are about to get mounted, start sliding that hand in for the underhook... don't wait around and think you can get it later (or- worse- grab around the neck instead).

I got to drill with Angela, and we hustled so as to get a ton of reps in.

Positional training from same opening- start struggling after opponent grabs your foot.  It was triangle day for Angela. No matter where the trip started, the last stop was always Triangle City. At one point I jerked my hand out and said, "Oh no you don't, not again!" And before I knew it she had triangled me on the *OTHER* side instead.

After drills, I took my jacket off and sat on the wall to take a break. Carlos was pairing people up for sparring, and he pointed at me. I said, "I need to take a rest first." He shook his head and told me to get on the mat. No one takes a girl seriously when she says she needs a break! So I went with Angus. He usually pounds me, and when I'm really tired it's worse. But it didn't go too bad this time.  

Right rear high rib injury- still hurting.... I had missed a couple days of training last week because I had to work extra, and I was hoping that the extra rest would make that go away....

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