Monday, April 8, 2013


I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that most human problems have their origin in a bad relationship with the body.  -Daniele Bolelli, On The Warrior’s Path

Turtle Drum. I used Ascha, Tiala, the double guiro, egg shaker, housemate's little frog guiro. I took my jian, but it was too crowded in there tonight to play with that. A little muted chanting, but not much.  Some dance- my most recent Form Of the Day was the White Crane fragment, but for some reason it was mostly Leopard Three and Tai Chi (silk reeling, Repulse The Monkey) tonight. A little belly dance. (There's a combo- Leopard and Belly Dance) Then I felt like doing some Snake (more compatible with belly dance), but we were out of time.

Monday- walk to work and back.
Monday evening BJJ, GB Bothell. 

Nice to see some older, heavier white belts coming in and working.

Armbar from mount, keylock from mount.

Spars- Will, the 14YO orange belt, is good. Also good to work with. Wrestling skillz (sigh.... I do not do well against these wrestling takedowns).

Eric again. This is proving interesting. I didn't do much better against him than I did on Friday, but I remained calm and relaxed- even moreso than on Friday. I think that even as recently as nine months ago, working with this guy would have made me so frustrated that steam would be shooting out my ears. Now I can keep my cool- and I can also restrain myself from trying to match muscling with muscling. I knew what to expect from him this time. He is very muscle-y, and knows just enough technique to be dangerous. I am playing very defensive. Next time I want to move around more and take a few more chances. I'm anxious that as soon as I stick something out, he's going to slam a sub really hard and injure me. This type tends to slam subs. I need to try to experiment more and yet still protect myself adequately from slammed subs.

I told Bo I'd do it.

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