Five senses working together give birth to the sixth. -Daniele Bolelli, On The Warrior’s Path
Monday FOD: Five Animals
132.5. One and a half down, eight and a half to go.
Grump, grump. There's a remodel going on at work, and construction walls are everywhere. Tonight they have closed off ALL of the spaces that are even remotely large enough to do micro-fu forms in. There's no space in here that's more than two wide steps across- it's a maze of narrow passageways. I hope I don't have any weapons forms in the next little while of FOD's. Well, there's always Sil Lum Tao!
Tuesday FOD: Iron Needle.
From Rory Miller's blog:
Writing is a job. It is not waiting for some mysterious force to smack you upside the head with inspiration. It is a job and you do a job by working. Sit down. Write words. That simple. Writer's block isn't what is going on. What's going on is an overwhelming mass of projects. It's like a huge pile of dirty dishes in the sink. You want to believe that if you just don't look at them, they will magically go away. But that's not how life works. You do the dishes. One at a time. Until you are done.
Taking his advice, I got part of a scene done tonight.
Thursday: 132.5
From Side Control's blog, re: my home away from home (bottom half guard):
The issue is that I'm not controlling the space, and am spending too much time fighting from a flattened position. There are three ways to fix this: (1) re-prioritize the frame, either at the shoulder or with the knee, (2) use the butterfly hook more aggressively to change the balance and attack with a hook sweep from sitting up, and (3) crush the space with a deep half attack.
Thursday lunchtime BJJ at Grace Bellevue. Standup- one lapel grip & one elbow grip. Pull lapel grip side and step back with that foot. Drop to OTHER knee and grab opponent's leg on the elbow-grip side. Lift leg and pull lapel down at the same time.
Prof corrected me on the following: You do not need to push the opponent's leg to the mat when you grab the pants at the knee. This straightens your arm and leaves it vulnerable.
Positional training from closed guard. Pass vs sweep, then pass vs sub.
One roll with the prof. I made the mistake of telling him that I felt like choking somebody today, so he invited me to try to choke him. Fist bump, and I'm being choked in about four seconds flat. Yeah, didn't see THAT coming.
We were about to restart after I'd tapped for about the third time, and the timekeeper yelled "Fifteen seconds!" so I lunged for him. He jumped up and ran. So I chased him from one end of the mat to the other while everyone else cracked up.
After that, I had to rest. Then one more roll with a medium-sized blue. I tried so hard to choke him- and came close several times- but he had good defense. I was on top a lot, though, and even got a few KOB's.
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