Side control. Made sure you have the near shoulder well trapped between your thigh and elbow. This is the key to the entire technique, although it's easy to get distracted because it's not the INTERESTING part. The arm under the opponent's neck- get a collar grip at his cheek (palm *UP*). Your other arm- cross it under your chest (don't make too much room as you do this) and grip opponent's collar behind hir neck (fingers *IN*). This is a good place for the opponent to escape if you have failed to secure that arm. Also- a little Shoulder Of Justice right here can both help immobilize hir as well as distract hir from what you're setting up.
Once you have the grips, loop your first arm (the one with the lapel grip at cheek) over opponent's head so that your arm is now in front of throat. Choke.
From top side control: uses the nearer gi tail. The hand which is nearest opponent's head, put it behind hir neck. With the other hand, pull the NEAR gi tail across hir chest and feed it to the behind-the-neck hand. It doesn't seem very threatening, but when you grab the outside-knee pants with your other hand and put your forehead down on the mat beside it, it chokes.
From front mount:
Ezekiel from mount. Hug opponent's head with left arm. Place your right hand at opponent's ear. Left hand grabs inside your own right sleeve cuff. Make a blade hand with little finger toward opponent's tender, juicy throat. Pull a titch to the side with the elbow that is on the ground (this is key!). Roll your blade arm into the throat. squeeze and pull up. You need not grab anything with your right hand- keep it in a blade. If the opponent rolls you, you can finish the choke during the roll.
Cross-collar choke from mount: keep elbows in. Roll hands inward, pull elbows to belly button, you can also lift the person's head off the mat or bow your own forward.
Hook hand on back of opponent's neck, snap down. Grab guillotine-esque hold on that side.
With your other hand, push opponent's arm across hir own chest. (If hir arm is posted straight, do NOT shove it in- serious injury potential- but you can hike hir up a titch with the neck hold and THEN shove it across).
Gable grip. You don't want to be right in the armpit, but far enough down so that s/he can't move the arm around. Snug it all in real tight. Tighten as much as you can before you roll. You can use your fingers to "crawl" your hand up the opponent's arm toward the big round patch on the back of hir gi.
Place head on mat under your joined hands and gator roll. Run your feet around and wrap them in opponent's legs. SQUEEZE. Note that you can roll either way. To make life easier, just make sure the back of your head is going to hit the mat first- that way you don't have to pause and burn brain cells for ten minutes trying to figure out which cheek to lay on the opponent's back to avoid rolling the opponent over your own face and breaking your nose.
Same opening as above: you are kneeling facing opponent, hook hand behind head, snap down, get head and arm. This time: gable grip. You now have a sort of baseball-bat-esque arm formation, with your forearm pressed on the back of hir head.
Tighten and suck in, then pull opponent forward a bit so that ideally s/he is faceplanting on the mat.
Press and twist with that forearm on the back of hir head to put hir down (Jalen was doing a complete somersault, I was just kind of flopping over on my side like a dog that'd been shot- which confused me at first, but either was fine. I did need to visualize the somersault in order to remember exactly where to apply pressure).
Now, the arm that is under opponent's head- inch that through a bit more until you can do an "RNC" formation with your arms and squeeze. If you need to, you can sink your own body down toward the mat to finish.
You have butterfly guard. Snap neck and bicep down. wrap around head and one arm, gable-grip under opponent's chest. Use the butterfly hook on the side that you have the arm trapped to flip the opponent over. You can run around and entangle hir legs with yours if you wish. Then "RNC" grip and squeeze. This would work for no-gi as well as gi.
1)You have side control. Move to scarf, then back to side control (with elbow on far side of opponent's head), in order to get the near arm isolated and sticking out of the opening under your armpit (keep hold of the arm during the transition). Now, shove your elbow into the side of your foe's head and tighten everything up so that hir head is off the ground, lying on your thigh and clamped there with the back of your arm.
Now, take the arm closest to opponent's feet and place it on the mat at opponent's hip to control the hip. Your other arm goes behind opponent's head, grab your own leg.
Edge your way into a north-south position, bringing opponent's arm across hir own throat. Take a moment now to adjust the arm and make sure it's right where you want it before you do "RNC" grip and start squeezing. Sprawl. Hips down to the mat.
2)From top side control: uses the nearer gi tail. The hand which is nearest opponent's head, put it behind hir neck. With the other hand, pull the NEAR gi tail across hir chest and feed it to the behind-the-neck hand. It doesn't seem very threatening, but when you grab the outside-knee pants with your other hand and put your forehead down on the mat beside it, it chokes.
3)You are in top side mount. Make sure you have kneed the opponent's near arm atop your thigh. Slide your knee onto belly. when s/he pushes at knee with hir other hand, you grab the wrist/cuff and pin that hand. Yank your leg back, straight out, then hoist it up and over, shove your foot behind opponent's head. At the same time, with your free hand, haul hir head up. Roll. As you roll, grab opponent's other sleeve and lock the triangle as you finish the roll.
Opponent is in turtle. You hang off the side, near shin parallel to hir shin, far leg posted out straight. Hold both of opponent's lapels under armpits.
Do a little hop and switch legs, so that your formerly FAR leg's shin is now against's opponent's shin. The other leg should be knee-up behind the turtle. Do not throw this leg over the opponent.
Sit back and pull opponent between your legs. Do not lie down on your back. Get both hooks. Have your feet flexed, and keep them on two different levels.
Open collar with one hand and reach OVER opponent's arm to grip deep with the other hand. Grab pants at the knee with the first hand. DO NOT LET GO OF THE PANTS!!!!!!
Use that pants grip to lift opponent's leg as you roll hir onto her side ("pillow side", the side that you have your arm wrapped around hir head). Now you are kneeling over hir with one foot on the mat in front of hir belly button, and the other knee on the mat behind hir head. Do not let go of the pants!
Bring the behind-the-head leg around as you sit, and now you have both legs wrapped around your prisoner's chest. If you can trap one or both arms, so much the better. Choke.
If opponent reaches a hand up to try to pry off your arm, Let go of the choke and trap the arm. Armbar. Still: Do not let go of the pants!
Turtled opponent. You are hanging off the side, facing the same direction. Your near hand- place it on the back of opponent's head and press it down on the mat. Your other hand goes under opponent's near armpit and grabs the wrist of your first hand figure-4 style. Sprawl and tiptoe around opponent's head. The under-the-armpit hold should flip hir onto her side/back and allow you to take side control. Keep the weight on.
Turtled opponent. You are hanging off the side, facing the same direction. Arm nearest opponent- reach over hir back and under the far armpit. (Don't get too deep/committed with this hand, or it'll get trapped!) Grab the collar and shake it out so that you can feed it to your near hand- which is going right under opponent's chin.
Now: take that arm that's over opponent's back and grab hir far wrist, pull it toward hir body. Sprawl and choke. You can also sit out if need be.
Alternately: instead of the wrist, you can grab the other lapel. Sprawl and choke.
If the opponent posts up on arms: Take that arm that's over the opponent's back and wrap it under hir far armpit. The back of your hand is pressed to the front of hir bicep. Stand up and wrap your FAR leg over hir NEAR arm. Roll diagonally over hir head. As you roll, wrap your second leg around that trapped arm as well. (Pay attention to the placement of the opponent's BODY during the roll- you don't want hir to end up between your legs- or lying on one of them- and thus out one of your legs effectively out of commission, which FUBAR's the next step.)
Now, if you have done this correctly, opponent is CRUCIFIED. Grab your own collar to help keep that arm trapped. If you can't finish the choke from here, you can switch your leg formation, hip out a bit, and use your topmost leg to wedge the knee behind hir head.
You have closed guard. Pull opponent fwd with your legs, while bringing your arms to your chest, up and around to trap one of hir arms in your armpit. (don't forget to move your head out of the way)
Now: with the arm that you have used to pin opponent's arm, use your hand to sieze hir opposite lapel. Don't yank it taught, because your next move is to use your OTHER hand to reach behind hir neck and stick your thumb in the collar right at the tag.
Now whip THAT arm over hir head and pull. Beauteous choke!
Double sleeve cuff grips. Go to butterfly guard. Feet on hips. Shrimp out a bit, bring left leg around to "lasso" opponent's arm and hook toe behind bicep. Make sure your knee is bowed OUTWARD and not inward (or s/he will push it down and pass).
Now place your rt sole on opponent's same side bicep just above the elbow. As you do this, you want to be SITTING UP, not flat on your back. If you can't sit up, that means you need to shrimp out more and get your butt further away from the opponent. Now- grab behind opponent's tricep on your "lasso" side and yank hir in for a triangle. Your spider-guard foot is the one that goes OVER opponent's neck; the lasso side is the one that you need to bring hir arm in.
You have opponent in armbar with your knees over hir face, but s/he is clasping hir hands together. Act like you're going to try to pry hir hands loose with your foot, but then shove the foot right through. Open your knee above opponent's forehead. This prompts hir to sit up. Let hir. This results in putting hirself right into your triangle.
Side control. Made sure you have the near shoulder well trapped between your thigh and elbow. This is the key to the entire technique, although it's easy to get distracted because it's not the INTERESTING part. The arm under the opponent's neck- get a collar grip at his cheek (palm *UP*). Your other arm- cross it under your chest (don't make too much room as you do this) and grip opponent's collar behind hir neck (fingers *IN*). This is a good place for the opponent to escape if you have failed to secure that arm. Also- a little Shoulder Of Justice right here can both help immobilize hir as well as distract hir from what you're setting up.
Once you have the grips, loop your first arm (the one with the lapel grip at cheek) over opponent's head so that your arm is now in front of throat. Choke.
From top side control: uses the nearer gi tail. The hand which is nearest opponent's head, put it behind hir neck. With the other hand, pull the NEAR gi tail across hir chest and feed it to the behind-the-neck hand. It doesn't seem very threatening, but when you grab the outside-knee pants with your other hand and put your forehead down on the mat beside it, it chokes.
From front mount:
Ezekiel from mount. Hug opponent's head with left arm. Place your right hand at opponent's ear. Left hand grabs inside your own right sleeve cuff. Make a blade hand with little finger toward opponent's tender, juicy throat. Pull a titch to the side with the elbow that is on the ground (this is key!). Roll your blade arm into the throat. squeeze and pull up. You need not grab anything with your right hand- keep it in a blade. If the opponent rolls you, you can finish the choke during the roll.
Cross-collar choke from mount: keep elbows in. Roll hands inward, pull elbows to belly button, you can also lift the person's head off the mat or bow your own forward.
Hook hand on back of opponent's neck, snap down. Grab guillotine-esque hold on that side.
With your other hand, push opponent's arm across hir own chest. (If hir arm is posted straight, do NOT shove it in- serious injury potential- but you can hike hir up a titch with the neck hold and THEN shove it across).
Gable grip. You don't want to be right in the armpit, but far enough down so that s/he can't move the arm around. Snug it all in real tight. Tighten as much as you can before you roll. You can use your fingers to "crawl" your hand up the opponent's arm toward the big round patch on the back of hir gi.
Place head on mat under your joined hands and gator roll. Run your feet around and wrap them in opponent's legs. SQUEEZE. Note that you can roll either way. To make life easier, just make sure the back of your head is going to hit the mat first- that way you don't have to pause and burn brain cells for ten minutes trying to figure out which cheek to lay on the opponent's back to avoid rolling the opponent over your own face and breaking your nose.
Same opening as above: you are kneeling facing opponent, hook hand behind head, snap down, get head and arm. This time: gable grip. You now have a sort of baseball-bat-esque arm formation, with your forearm pressed on the back of hir head.
Tighten and suck in, then pull opponent forward a bit so that ideally s/he is faceplanting on the mat.
Press and twist with that forearm on the back of hir head to put hir down (Jalen was doing a complete somersault, I was just kind of flopping over on my side like a dog that'd been shot- which confused me at first, but either was fine. I did need to visualize the somersault in order to remember exactly where to apply pressure).
Now, the arm that is under opponent's head- inch that through a bit more until you can do an "RNC" formation with your arms and squeeze. If you need to, you can sink your own body down toward the mat to finish.
You have butterfly guard. Snap neck and bicep down. wrap around head and one arm, gable-grip under opponent's chest. Use the butterfly hook on the side that you have the arm trapped to flip the opponent over. You can run around and entangle hir legs with yours if you wish. Then "RNC" grip and squeeze. This would work for no-gi as well as gi.
1)You have side control. Move to scarf, then back to side control (with elbow on far side of opponent's head), in order to get the near arm isolated and sticking out of the opening under your armpit (keep hold of the arm during the transition). Now, shove your elbow into the side of your foe's head and tighten everything up so that hir head is off the ground, lying on your thigh and clamped there with the back of your arm.
Now, take the arm closest to opponent's feet and place it on the mat at opponent's hip to control the hip. Your other arm goes behind opponent's head, grab your own leg.
Edge your way into a north-south position, bringing opponent's arm across hir own throat. Take a moment now to adjust the arm and make sure it's right where you want it before you do "RNC" grip and start squeezing. Sprawl. Hips down to the mat.
2)From top side control: uses the nearer gi tail. The hand which is nearest opponent's head, put it behind hir neck. With the other hand, pull the NEAR gi tail across hir chest and feed it to the behind-the-neck hand. It doesn't seem very threatening, but when you grab the outside-knee pants with your other hand and put your forehead down on the mat beside it, it chokes.
3)You are in top side mount. Make sure you have kneed the opponent's near arm atop your thigh. Slide your knee onto belly. when s/he pushes at knee with hir other hand, you grab the wrist/cuff and pin that hand. Yank your leg back, straight out, then hoist it up and over, shove your foot behind opponent's head. At the same time, with your free hand, haul hir head up. Roll. As you roll, grab opponent's other sleeve and lock the triangle as you finish the roll.
Opponent is in turtle. You hang off the side, near shin parallel to hir shin, far leg posted out straight. Hold both of opponent's lapels under armpits.
Do a little hop and switch legs, so that your formerly FAR leg's shin is now against's opponent's shin. The other leg should be knee-up behind the turtle. Do not throw this leg over the opponent.
Sit back and pull opponent between your legs. Do not lie down on your back. Get both hooks. Have your feet flexed, and keep them on two different levels.
Open collar with one hand and reach OVER opponent's arm to grip deep with the other hand. Grab pants at the knee with the first hand. DO NOT LET GO OF THE PANTS!!!!!!
Use that pants grip to lift opponent's leg as you roll hir onto her side ("pillow side", the side that you have your arm wrapped around hir head). Now you are kneeling over hir with one foot on the mat in front of hir belly button, and the other knee on the mat behind hir head. Do not let go of the pants!
Bring the behind-the-head leg around as you sit, and now you have both legs wrapped around your prisoner's chest. If you can trap one or both arms, so much the better. Choke.
If opponent reaches a hand up to try to pry off your arm, Let go of the choke and trap the arm. Armbar. Still: Do not let go of the pants!
Turtled opponent. You are hanging off the side, facing the same direction. Your near hand- place it on the back of opponent's head and press it down on the mat. Your other hand goes under opponent's near armpit and grabs the wrist of your first hand figure-4 style. Sprawl and tiptoe around opponent's head. The under-the-armpit hold should flip hir onto her side/back and allow you to take side control. Keep the weight on.
Turtled opponent. You are hanging off the side, facing the same direction. Arm nearest opponent- reach over hir back and under the far armpit. (Don't get too deep/committed with this hand, or it'll get trapped!) Grab the collar and shake it out so that you can feed it to your near hand- which is going right under opponent's chin.
Now: take that arm that's over opponent's back and grab hir far wrist, pull it toward hir body. Sprawl and choke. You can also sit out if need be.
Alternately: instead of the wrist, you can grab the other lapel. Sprawl and choke.
If the opponent posts up on arms: Take that arm that's over the opponent's back and wrap it under hir far armpit. The back of your hand is pressed to the front of hir bicep. Stand up and wrap your FAR leg over hir NEAR arm. Roll diagonally over hir head. As you roll, wrap your second leg around that trapped arm as well. (Pay attention to the placement of the opponent's BODY during the roll- you don't want hir to end up between your legs- or lying on one of them- and thus out one of your legs effectively out of commission, which FUBAR's the next step.)
Now, if you have done this correctly, opponent is CRUCIFIED. Grab your own collar to help keep that arm trapped. If you can't finish the choke from here, you can switch your leg formation, hip out a bit, and use your topmost leg to wedge the knee behind hir head.
You have closed guard. Pull opponent fwd with your legs, while bringing your arms to your chest, up and around to trap one of hir arms in your armpit. (don't forget to move your head out of the way)
Now: with the arm that you have used to pin opponent's arm, use your hand to sieze hir opposite lapel. Don't yank it taught, because your next move is to use your OTHER hand to reach behind hir neck and stick your thumb in the collar right at the tag.
Now whip THAT arm over hir head and pull. Beauteous choke!
Double sleeve cuff grips. Go to butterfly guard. Feet on hips. Shrimp out a bit, bring left leg around to "lasso" opponent's arm and hook toe behind bicep. Make sure your knee is bowed OUTWARD and not inward (or s/he will push it down and pass).
Now place your rt sole on opponent's same side bicep just above the elbow. As you do this, you want to be SITTING UP, not flat on your back. If you can't sit up, that means you need to shrimp out more and get your butt further away from the opponent. Now- grab behind opponent's tricep on your "lasso" side and yank hir in for a triangle. Your spider-guard foot is the one that goes OVER opponent's neck; the lasso side is the one that you need to bring hir arm in.
You have opponent in armbar with your knees over hir face, but s/he is clasping hir hands together. Act like you're going to try to pry hir hands loose with your foot, but then shove the foot right through. Open your knee above opponent's forehead. This prompts hir to sit up. Let hir. This results in putting hirself right into your triangle.
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