Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tiger dills

Kung fu was cancelled today. For some reason, the staff left early and we were locked out of the dojo.

It was slow last night at work, so I spent way too much company time reconstructing MA notes.


***Beginning in front stance:
+Tiger 1 (scoop and claw)

Begin in front stance, left foot forward, left Tiger claw straight forward and right claw guarding groin.

Lean slightly forward and press right palm to inside of left knee to block groin kick. Make sure thumb is tucked and fingers point down.

(You may then circle that right arm up to your shoulder if you can catch the foot with it. Make sure the hand gets all the way up to the shoulder.)

(You may also strike forward (Tiger front punch to face) and rake down with the left claws.)

+Tiger 2 (with wrapping choke)

Begin in fwd stance with left foot fwd. Left Tiger claws straight fwd, Rt claws guarding groin

Cross rt foot behind left in *wide* scissor stance. Grab opponent's striking arm with right claws. Crook left elbow around hir neck.

Unwind and either hip throw the opponent or thrust hir forcefully to the ground using both arms. Now you are in a forward stance facing north again with the right foot forward.

Left left arm circle in front of you and chamber at left hip, palm up. Right arm makes a small inward circle and strikes stright down with Tiger claws upon fallen opponent.

+Tiger 3 (low Crane’s neck strike)

Begin in Rt front stance, Rt Tiger claw straight forward, left Tiger claw guarding groin

Left claw circles outward, eyes to waist

Step back with Rt foot into left front stance; at the same time, right claw circles outward

Repeat 3 steps

Step back with Rt foot to face east in horse stance. Left circling claw changes to a Crane's beak at apex and strikes downward at groin level.

Turn north again into left front stance, strike fwd with left Tiger claw. Chamber left.

Switch arms to do the next rep.

+Tiger 4 (back kick)

Begin in left front stance, left Tiger claw straight forward, right Tiger claw guarding groin

Shift into back stance (left foot still fwd). Rt claw circles out, up and around to guard forehead. Lft claw circles in, down and around to guard groin. You are still looking north orver left shoulder.

Turn 180, looking north over rt shoulder. Left claw circles around and in to guard face (palm against left cheek). Right claw circles around to gaud groin. Rt foot back kick. Toe down.

Continue circle back around to face north. Continue both arm circles so that you are now in a rt front stance with rt Tiger claw out front and left guarding groin. Truncate the right arm circle and have it coming straight through horizontally if you want a fwd Tiger claw strike instead of an arcing-down rake. A horizontal rake is also valid.

***Beginning in cat stance
+Tiger 5 (reap)

Start in cat stance, left foot fwd. Left Tiger claws beside jaw, right claws guarding groin palm out and fingers down.

Turn to the right, straighten left arm and sweep it backward to clothesline the throat

At the same time, kick left leg forward to reap. Straight leg, diagonal kick.

(alternate version, Craig's intro: use the left claws to grab incoming striking hand and push it downward, turn to the LEFT and do the reap that way.)

***Beginning in straight standup.
+Tiger 6 (against armored spearman)
Hong Tiger drill:

Step fwd in front rt lunge.

At the same time, block spear at left with tiger forearm block.

Make sure the block circles over your face first.

Simultaneously, spear hand strike palm down to throat.

Follow with palm-heel to chin (not much drawback)

Hook double eagle claws into eyes, pull back to left side in big circle. Throw down.

Smaller circle, two tiger claws straight down from shoulders into fallen enemy. (still in front lunge- back leg straight)

****Beginning in back stance:
+Tiger 7 (two claws and groin slap)

Begin in back stance, left foot in front. Left Tiger claws straight forward, Rt claw guards groin.

(Alternate beginning- you can begin in cat stance, rt foot fwd, rt Tiger claw at jaw (this claw is not *quite* facing the opponent), left Tiger claw guarding groin palm out and fingers downward.

Bring both claws up and circle to the right at eye level, catching and parrying a strike. Hold that arm there with rt claw.

(alternative-left hand Black Crane parry and then catch the striking limb with right claws)

Shift into high horse. With left claw, rake to the left face level, then downward face level.

Palm-heel (fingers down) to groin.

Right snap kick to groin
Turn to south while wrapping left arm over top of the opponent's captured arm.

Pull left arm towards your own throat, palm in, and pull opponent's arm down with your right hand. Make sure you have the lock ABOVE hir elbow and that you are standing right up against hir. Arch shoulders back to armbar.

(Alternate ending after groin kick: step back into a back stance with rt foot fwrd, right Tiger claw forward, left guarding groin.)

+Tiger 8 (2 elbows and hammer fist)

Begin in back stance, rt foot fwd. Rt Tiger claw fwd, left Tiger claw guarding groin.

Step fwd with left foot & turn east into high horse. Horizontal rake face level with left claws. Chamber rt.

Left elbow strike to head level. Rechamber. Left hammer fist to same target. Rechamber.

Left arm circles to left & down to chamber- capturing head in headlock. At the same time, Turn body forward and sink into cat stance with left foot fwd.

Snap kick left foot.

Step back facing west into back stance with rt foot forward. Right Tiger claw fwd, left claw guarding groin.

+Tiger 9 (drop and side kick)

Begin in back stance, left foot forward. Left Tiger claws forward, right claws guarding groin.

As opponent kicks at your forward leg, let it collapse as you turn right to south and kneel with left knee on ground.

(alternative- you may choose to drop onto your right thigh instead of kneeling)

You are now looking at the opponent over your right shoulder.

Side kick with your right foot. Little-toe side of foot facing up. Bring leg stright through, no curve.

Turn north again and kneel with your right knee up and one Tiger claw at jaw level, the other guarding groin with palm out and fingers down.


***Beginning in horse:
+Tiger 10 (circular wrist release)

Begin in horse, arms down at sides and slightly out. Tiger claws facing ground.

Use rt arm to do a "wipe off" wrist release on left wrist. Left arm does
two complete back-to-front circles at the shoulder.

Kneel on RIGHT knee. Both claws complete circle #3 and strike down at waist level.

Hands on ground. Low back kick with left foot, then rechanber and high side kick.

Rechamber and do a low BACK sweep 180 degrees. Body turns all the way to south.

End on both knees facing south, double Tiger claw strike down waist level.

(pic- Dex and Dave)

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