Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Their perceptions were not ready to register anything but the strictly indispensable. Always in motion. Always in a hurry. Travelling under the protection of a glass-bell transporting them from home to the office and isolating them from the surrounding sensorial world. Beauty sacrificed on the altar of efficiency. A sad waste of potential.
-Daniele Bolelli, On The Warrior’s Path

Tuesday FOD: Leopard 3

Wednesday: Spent most of the day working with CK. We will get the next two days, and then I go back to work and that will probably be it.

Unfortunately, my acrobalance class got cancelled today because the teacher did not show up. Well, I got some form reps in while I was waiting. Tiger vs Crane, Leopard 3 (both ways), Five Animals (both ways), Box Form, Hurricane Hands, Bung Bo Kuen.

Also unfortunately, CK and I did not do as well this visit with avoiding the topic of the Shaolin group and SK. I managed to change the subject the first few times, but then she saw fit to tell me that SK had told her that 1)my leaving the group had been a "mutual" decision, 2)that he felt really bad about it, and 3)that he wishes things could be fixed. Three for three, blatant lies. Gods, holy FUCK, I can't even begin to describe how much this pissed me off (although I'm going to try for a single paragraph, and there's going to be a lot of profanity in it, and then I'm going to shut up (for now)). The gall he has to lie to her like that. I already know he has no respect for ME, and so no qualms about smearing my rep by lying to our teacher about me, but CK deserves more respect than to be bullshitted to like that. He's so fucking confident that I won't tell her what happened- and the kicker is that he's right, but only because *CK* doesn't deserve the collateral damage that would result, satisfying as it would be to expose him to her for what he is. I have to be the bigger person here, (again) for all it's gotten me nothing but kicked in the teeth so far.  And unfortunately I was asnine enough to trust him to the point that he knows me- he knows me to be too honorable to do otherwise.  That's why he's so goddamn confident that he can spin whatever lies he wants to CK, and I won't correct the record. This certainly goes to verify, though, that what SK did last fall wasn't just some kind of temporary insanity- here it is nearly a year later, and he's still being a self-absorbed, lying pustulent asshole with no loyalty, no honor and no morals. Please, karma, PLEASE- let everyone reap EXACTLY what they deserve out of this deal (and I include myself in that bargain). Fuck, this really upset me. If she *ever* brings up his name again, I am just going to have to ask her to please never say that name to me. OKay, reset.

So first we went to my (non-MA) gym and did a little formwork and posture stuff. I am still failing to properly perform weight shifts. She also wants me to work on this really weird stance which involves being back on the heels and straight-kneed (which feels really odd). She poked my spine, and was horrified by what she felt on the right just below shoulder-blade level- yeah, the big rib dislocation spot. My shoulders are also terribly tight (no news there).

Then we went out for Thai food.

Then, some sitting meditation and discussion of aspects of same.  Finally, some light push-hands sort of work in various permutations.

No sparring today; I do hope we will get some, but she has already said that she wants to focus mostly on posture and formwork this visit.  Also, she is still post-surgical enough to be somewhat fragile.

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