Sunday, April 28, 2013

You look scarier close up.

"Avoid stupid places with stupid people doing stupid things." –Marc Denny

Vince (Sprawled on top of turtle): "I'm going to put my weight on you... okay???"

Kitsune: "Go for it."  he chuckled at how blase I was being about it... he's only a medium-sized guy.

Next round....

Kitsune (striving for the exact same tone of anxious hesitation): "I'm going to put all my weight on you.... okay???"

Vince: {cracking up}

Thursday: walk to work and back. Unfortunately, there was a bad scene in the break room involving a giant bag of malted milk balls.

Friday: Walk to work and back. Dammit, the malted milk balls are still not gone yet. Well, I made serious inroads on taking care of THAT problem.

Friday evening BJJ at GB Bothell. I was way too tired to do this, but I promised Cindy I would be there. They were taking a photo for the school webpage. Generally I do not allow my picture to be taken. I have repeatedly refused to be in the photos for both Seattle and Bellevue. But Cindy gave me the hard sell. I hope Carlos doesn't get irritated with me when he sees it, since I refused to be in *his* photo.

Cindy (backing up): "Do I look more imposing further away?"

Kitsune: "No, you look even shorter back there."

Cindy: "Thanks."

Kitsune: "You asked. Trust me, you look scarier close up."

Review of this week's techniques. I drilled some with James and some with the girl white belt. She is promising- very small, but very strong. Unlike most beginners, she is not hesitant about getting nice and tight. Little teensy hands and slender forearms that just slip right in there for the choke.

Will choked a guy out (during drills, no less)!

I was too tired to stay for sparring.

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