Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday lunchtime

A cynic is an idealist who figured out the fix was in but remained an idealist anyway. That's why the cynic always seems so bitter.  –Christopher Wright

Wednesday lunchtime at Sea.

Opponent bear hugs you from the back. bring your hands up to force hir arms above your elbows. Cover hir hands with yours and get your butt out to the side. Step your near foot behind hir feet. Now place your FAR shoulder on the mat in front of hir feet, rolling yourself over and thus rolling the opponent over as well. Get to your belly and face hir feet, holding hir thighs.

Opponent bear hugs you from the front. Make a rigid hoop with your arms and brace your hands at hir belt buckle area. Force your hips back to make some room. Run one arm behind hir and grab the back of hir belt. You can go to a hip throw from here. If it fails, Shove hir forward (you now have one back belt grip and one front belt grip on hir) and take hir back.

Replace closed guard from bottom side control. Note that to reach opponent's foot, you may have to jerk the opponent forward by the sleeve.

Same setup, only once you get your first knee in there, throw second knee over opponent's head for armbar.

Same setup for *that*; now opponent pulls the arm out and you have to go back to replacing closed guard.

A little positional training from side control.

One roll with Bryan.

I just knew that the minute I ordered a new belt, my old one would be found, and that is exactly what happened. (sigh).


  1. The bear-hug from behind response was one of the three 'throws' I was taught in my style. Sensei had a lot of tiny women and he was a big guy so took advantage of this...

  2. There are so many juicy responses to bear hug from behind that it's hard to even pick a fave. If it was self-defense, I love a good heel to the bottom of the kneecap just to get started with. I have pretty good aim with those.
