Friday, May 31, 2013

You will be cleaning up your own puke.

Having a perfect body is not nearly as important as learning to listen to its voice.
-Daniele Bolelli, On The Warrior’s Path

Plantar fasciitis continues unabated. Mostly the right foot. Drat it, I don't have the time or patience to massage my damn foot for 10 min every morning before getting out of bed!!! Plus my cats would get together and lynch me. Their expectation is that at the first ding of the alarm, I am catapulting out of bed to start getting their breakfasts ready.

Lunchtime at Seattle.

Another day of feeling pretty tired- and it was hot again. Not quite as hot as last night, but very hot.

Positional training from side control- pass vs sweep only. I was shocked to complete a sweep. Only one, but that's one more than I've ever been able to get before.

Carlos dressed me down for "not being fair" when he saw me hunker down to hug my opponent as we got started. He wanted the top person to begin in an upright position. Understandable. Yet the concept still boggled my brain. My partner was an adult male blue belt. A smallish one, true- but still- an "AMO" if you will (Since we were not going full bore, it didn't qualify for Georgette's awesome "FRAMO" classification: Fully Resisting Adult Male Opponent). I have the mindset that I am perpetually so far in the hole that the idea of me starting with any type of "unfair advantage" is laughable. If the guy started out hogtied, I'd still be at the disadvantage. That's why everyone is (still) getting such a hoot out of ragging on me for "grinding" on that little kid's throat- the idea that I would even have enough power to be *able* to be a bully is humorous. I've never even had to consider trying to be "fair". It's never fair- to me. Do I actually need to start worrying about being "fair" to AMO's? That sounds so ridiculous and pretentious.

I got a turn with a four stripe white belt girl that I've never worked with before- and after about 2 minutes, she had to excuse herself for dizziness. (Like I said, it was damn hot in there.) Carlos sent me into the bathroom to chase her down and caretake for her. She lay down on the changing room floor and I gave her a cold wet paper towel to put on her forehead. Then when I tried to return to the mat, Carlos sent me back in there AGAIN to tell her to come out and lie on the floor in the main room so that he could see she wasn't dead.  

Evening in Bothell.

Review of the front mount escapes we have been working on this week. Upa, upa with opponent trying to collar choke you (trap hir forearm against your chest), my favorite leg combover escape).

Some positional training from front mount.

A couple of spars with really big guys. I just tried to survive- and because they don't know very many subs yet, I succeeded.

Burpees *AFTER* the spars. Ugh! I tried to negotiate taking my jacket off, at least- there was another guy in there dressed in no-gi clothes (whom I had just finished fighting, IN GI)... no luck!

Fortunately I have not as of yet had need of this knowledge, but I was informed today that if you puke on Cindy's mat, you will be cleaning up YOUR OWN puke. Even the kids? Yup. So try to make it to the back door.


  1. :)

    I get the same stuff! I was posting on an opponent's face (yes-- kind of like a crossface, but with my palm planted on the side of his jaw) and I got teased for being mean. But seriously? the guy outweighs me by at least 40lbs and is at least 7" taller. Fair? I don't know what fair feels like!

  2. "Carlos sent me back in there AGAIN to tell her to come out and lie on the floor in the main room so that he could see she wasn't dead."

    Loved that.

  3. Well geeze, he FLUTTERS too much. He did the same thing when Kelly was crying. I checked on her and said, "She'll be fine, just give her a minute," and he couldn't trust me on that, had to keep pushing. I'm glad he cares- but I hate it when I'm sick or upset and someone is hovering too much. It forces me to focus on interacting with and trying to please that person, instead of focusing on trying to stop myself from fainting/puking/crying. Sometimes a person just needs you to give them a minute to get themselves together.
